
Cyclic Voltammetry International School at the Université Paris Cité

The Cyclic Voltammetry International School (CVIS) is a five-day training course in Paris that combines class time and hands-on laboratory work rooted in the fundamental concepts of molecular and biomolecular electrochemistry. CVIS is intended for young researchers, including post-doctoral associates and academics, as well as for highly motivated PhD students who are seeking to gain or further enhance their theoretical knowledge and practical experience in Cyclic Voltammetry. 

 CHI551 -  Electrons and nuclei in modern chemistry (with Dr. Covadonga Lucas-Torres)

This course focuses on fundamental aspects of NMR and electrochemistry, with case studies of mechanistic study and industrial processes.

CHI553 -  Essentials in Molecular Chemistry (with Dr. Greg Nocton and Dr. Audrey Auffrant)

This course provides essential knowledge in molecular chemistry, especially  in organic chemistry, group theory and inorganic chemistry.

CHI562Sustainable Chemistry (with Dr. Audrey Auffrant and Dr. Nathanaëlle Schneider)

This course reviews different aspects related to sustainable chemistry, with particular interest in hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus chemistry.